Greet Members as they arrive for Church and distribute bulletins form 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.. Greet members as they exit the Church at the end of the Worship Service as appropriate.
Gather three additional ushers and coordinate collecting of weekly giving.
Count weekly attendance and record in notebook on shelf toward back of Narthex (please remember to include everyone: members, children, babies, pastor, choir and acolytes)
Coordinate Communion Assistants (generally two of the ushers participating in collection of weekly giving) for first Sunday of month Service.
Place additional rail in front of altar immediately following offering and place cushion in front of rail. Distribute communion glasses on trays found in Sacristy prepared by Altar Guild (four trays - two for each usher, complete with three communion cups filled with grape juice for members not sharing wine. One usher stands on each side of center isle. One usher will replace alter rail and cushion immediately following communion the other will return the communion cup trays to the sacristy.