(A master copy of this schedule is posted inside the overhead cabinet door in the sacristy)
Thank you for your willingness to serve as a Communion assistant!
We will continue using one Communion assistant to help with distribution on each Sunday but two will be needed on the first Sunday of each month when people come to the Communion rail. Please contact another Communion assistant to help you on the 1st Sunday of each month. Also, remember that on Christmas Eve and during the Lenten Season additional services with Holy Communion are scheduled, and for which your assistance is requested.
If you are unable to serve on a particular Sunday, please contact another Communion assistant to fill in for you, and mark the notation on the master schedule, and also let our secretary know so we can have the right person listed in the bulletin. On occasions when no Communion assistant comes forward to assist, one of you please come forward to assist!
Share your time and talents.
Never been a Communion Assistant before?
Try it out, even if only once or twice.
The Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday with additional celebrations on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve.